Rights and Restrictions
All text on Explore Baltimore Heritage and all images attributed to Baltimore Heritage are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. This gives you permission to share, to remix , and to make commercial use of the work under the conditions that the work is attributed to Baltimore Heritage and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. Any images not attributed to Baltimore Heritage have their own rights and restrictions.
Enoch Pratt Free Library Special Collections
Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center digital files, images, and data are the property of the Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center. Copying or redistribution in any manner for personal or corporate gain is strictly prohibited. Any public or commercial use of these materials without prior written permission is also prohibited. If you would like to use Pratt Library digital reproductions in a publication, exhibition, etc., please contact Special Collections at (443) 849-5439 or send an inquiry to copyright@prattlibrary.org.
Maryland Historical Society
Maryland Historical Society (MdHS) digital files, images, and data are the property of MdHS. Copying or redistribution in any manner for personal or corporate gain is strictly prohibited. Any public or commercial use of these materials without prior written permission is also prohibited. If you would like to use a MdHS digital reproduction of use in a publication, exhibition, etc., please contact the Department of Imaging Services at imagingservices@mdhs.org for reproduction and permission information or visit http://www.mdhs.org/museum/rights-reproductions
Special Collections, Langsdale Library, University of Baltimore (UB)
UB digital files, images, and data are the property of the University of Baltimore. Copying or redistribution in any manner for personal or corporate gain is strictly prohibited. Any public or commercial use of these materials without prior written permission is also prohibited. If you would like to use UB digital reproductions in a publication, exhibition, etc., please contact Special Collections at (410) 837-4268. Reproduction and Licensing information may be found at http://langsdale.ubalt.edu/special-collections/services.cfm
The Photography Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
UMBC digital files, images, and data are the sole property of UMBC. Copying or redistribution in any manner for personal or corporate gain is strictly prohibited. Any public or commercial use of these materials without prior written permission is also prohibited. If you would like to use UMBC digital reproductions in a publication, exhibition, etc., please contact UMBC's Special Collections Department at speccoll@umbc.edu for reproduction and permission. Rights and Reproductions information may be found at http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/specoll/repro.php.